How To Do Affirmations That Work: Top 10 Tips for Achieving Success

How To Do Affirmations That Work Many people like the idea of doing affirmations in order to get what they want out of their life. In fact, a few years ago it was all the rage to do what came to be known as ‘cosmic ordering’ in which people thought they should write a list of the things they wanted in life and then affirm that they had them by being positive and saying things like “I am in a relationship with a man with blonde hair” or “I have a million dollars” or “I am driving a new red […]

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How to have a positive thoughts day: starting your day the right way

The way you start your day is important – everyone knows that. Starting off in a good mood helps you get through the day with a smile. There are sayings that talk about it – we say someone is ‘on top of the morning” meaning someone is happy; or conversely “they got out of the wrong side of the bed” when referring to someone who appears to be in a bad mood. But how many of us truly pay attention to how we start the day and what it means for the rest of our day? How many of us […]

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Emotional eggs

The law of attraction, happiness and emotions. How does it work?

The law of attraction, happiness and emotions. How does it work? The law of attraction states “that which is like unto itself, is drawn” which basically means that things that are the same, are attracted to each other. It is really talking about energy so positive energy attracts more positive energy and negative energy attracts more negative energy. It’s also important to note that the universe or source energy does not place a judgment on energy as we humans might – to source, it is just different frequencies of energy – all of which are valid. Everything in the universe […]

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Ready, Steady, Go..SLOW – The law of attraction and meditation

The law of attraction and meditation? What’s it all about? The law of attraction and meditation, for anyone who studies these things, go hand in hand. One informs the other and vice versa. Although the law of attraction is a universal law that pervades all things and everything and everyone is subject to it, the act of meditation allows individuals to consciously interact with it, to hear its call, allowing the law of attraction to work in its most sublime and satisfying way possible, to bring about the changes they want in their life. Which means that if YOU practice […]

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