Ways To Look After Wildlife In Winter

Winter is often a tough time for wildlife. As we pack our shopping trolleys for winter feasts and hunker down with our slippers, we also need to spare a thought for the wildlife in our back gardens and find ways to help them through this difficult time. In winter, food is scarce, the days are shorter, and the temperature drops significantly. Many animals rely on their fat reserves to make it through, but some just can’t survive without a little help from us. Taking care of wildlife during winter doesn’t just help them survive harsh conditions, it also sets them […]

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Gardening Things To Do In January

Brrr… it’s cold outside! Yes, it’s that time of year when we’ve eaten our fill, exhausted our supply of box sets and the thought of one more “waffer thin mint” will send us into apoplexy! However, there is an easy and positive solution to this January lethargy, and that is to look outside and give your garden a little seasonal care. So here are some gardening things to do in January.  Starting the year off right means giving your garden a fresh look and some much-needed love after the holiday hustle. Whilst much of your beloved plants and wildlife will […]

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herbs and natural cosmetics

How to grow a medicinal herb garden

Growing your own set of herbs is a perfect way to bring more prosperity to your life. While herbs are great for garnishing your food, the medicinal properties and presence in your home make medicinal herb gardens one of the most rewarding practices to cultivate. Read on to find out how to grow a medicinal herb garden and give yourself a little pick-up at the same time. Luckily, growing herbs is a great fit for any skill level. Herbs often grow much faster than vegetable gardens, using less space in the process. If you are nervous about getting started, these […]

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sunrise at Stonehenge

Celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

One month of the year that we all look forward to is June – warm weather, lighter evenings and hopefully, a long-awaited summer holiday! But we love June in our house because It is also the month of the Summer Solstice – a ‘magical’ day called ‘the longest day of the year’ which officially marks the start of summer. Read on to find out about celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Here’s the astronomy bit Sometimes, we humans can be a little ‘slow to catch on’. It was only in 1543, that the astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, explained his […]

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robin in winter

Fun and practical things to do to help nature in winter

Most of us loved winter as children – think of all those happy times you spent making snowmen, lying in the snow creating snow angels and all those lovely, crisp, winter walks breaking the ice and throwing snowballs. But do you ever think about how you can help nature in winter? Whilst we as humans can return to a cosy, warm house after enjoying the outdoors, our British wildlife is not so fortunate and winter can often mean a life-and-death struggle many; food supplies become scarce and there can often be little respite from the biting-cold weather. However, this can […]

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