How to know what you want in life – and how to get it

How to know what you want in life – and how to get it

How to create your own life – online/email course

“I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this!”  How many times have you said that to yourself in the last few weeks/months/years?

Or do you ask yourself any of the following questions on a regular basis?

How did I end up here?
What did I do to deserve this?
Where did I go wrong?
Is this all there is?

Well you are not alone. Millions of people all over the world are asking themselves the same thing – about how to know what you want in life. They drive to a job they don’t like, exist within a relationship that drains them, or reinforce their feelings of worthlessness by telling themselves negative things every day. This program will show you how to figure out what to do with your life.

Not knowing what you want can be like staring at a blank piece of paper, frustrated because you don’t know where to start. And whilst this can seem like a negative thing, there is always a positive in there somewhere if you can just turn around and see it. Knowing what you DON’T want for example, is the first step along the way to knowing what you DO want.

Discover the steps you need to take to create your life the way you want it

A practical handbook for life.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way of answering those questions and creating a different life for yourself in the process? A life that you really wanted.

The questions like “How did I end up here? or What did I do to deserve this?” hold you back, since you are always focusing on what you don’t have and the things you currently don’t want. And that just brings more of the same. What you focus on, you get more of.

Many coaching programs and self-improvement books will rightly tell you to focus on what you DO want instead. But how many times have you tried to do that and still ended up in the same old cycle?

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
Henry Ford

To get the life you really want, you need to do is take a different action, make some different choices, and you WILL get different results. But what actions and choices should you take?

“You can’t get to the top of the stairs by just wishing and looking up – you need to STEP up.”
Gail Lowe

How would you like to have someone to help you through, to guide you through your life’s choices and to give you a set of practical tasks and action-plans that will literally change your life, giving you the power to create your own destiny and the confidence to deal with the pitfalls along the way?


My Personal Story

A few years ago, my life was a mess – my previously-successful business, hit a metaphorical iceberg. I drew up massive personal debts trying to stop it from sinking, believing that I needed to keep it afloat at all costs. After all – it was my life, and it defined who I was. And when that all failed, it inevitably went bankrupt. I lost my partner, my livelihood and my reason for living. I had to move in with my sister and brother-in-law because I could no longer afford to support myself. I was at one of the lowest points of my life. My faith in myself, my vision for my life and my belief I could achieve it, were all non-existent. I wallowed in a cycle of self-pity and blame, unable to break away from the sense of injustice that I felt I had suffered.

And then one day, one of my closest friends said to me: “you know Gail, you’ll stay in this mess as long you want to; and then when you’re ready to change it, you will.

I was shocked – hurt even, at the very suggestion that I was keeping myself in my own misery. I didn’t speak to my friend for a few weeks but her words haunted and tormented me.

And then the day came when I thought:she’s right. I AM keeping myself here, and what’s more – I don’t like it. I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this!”

Closely followed by the question that saved me:

“So what is it I DO want, and how do I get it?”

From there, everything began to change:

  1. I cleared some space in my head (it was full of negative thoughts and clutter)
  2. I asked myself the difficult questions I’d been trying so hard to avoid
  3. I took a long, hard (but very honest) look at my life
  4. I got rid of my blame, anger and self-pity and replaced it with responsibility, love and self-esteem
  5. I wrote myself a program of change and a practical action-plan
  6. And then I followed it through.

How would you feel right now if you could do the same with your own life – clear your head and set yourself on your own personal path to success?

“Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.”
Homer Simpson

My situation changed overnight – not physically overnight, for that takes time – even the law of attraction has a queuing system! But MENTALLY my life changed in an instant. And that was the biggest change I needed: my finances improved; I moved into my own house again; I re-trained as a teacher; started a new business which flourished and I decided to foster some incredible children.

I made mistakes along the way sure, but I learnt to learn from them and use them as a springboard. We’re all human and can slip on a banana skin, but I’m getting better at spotting the ‘yellow perils’ ahead and step around them more time than on them. I’m currently working on a plan to find my life partner, but hey, one step at a time is enough!

“We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once”.
Calvin Coolidge

What is it all about?

The program I’ve put together works – and it can work for you too. It’s an online/email program of lessons, exercise and action plans that will truly make a difference to your life. This course is not just another lecture or download from a computer-generated, self-help cash-cow! I set up this program because I wanted to make a difference to people’s lives, to your life. And I want to do that by offering my own style of coaching – with the personal touch.

This program is a self-paced course but I recommend you take a module every 2 weeks for approximately 6 months. That way, in 6 months’ time, you will be well on the way to living a different life. I will guide you and help you through the program; personally read and answer your email answers and queries; give you constructive feedback and kick-start you on to a new path – the creative path you really want to be on.

And what do YOU have to do – well, for one, you have to SHOW UP! You have to join the program to get the benefits, you have to be “in it, to win it” as they say.

What will you gain from this course?

  • How to get started in changing your life for the better for ever
  • How you got to where you are – how your background, thoughts and experiences have lead you to your current situation – and crucially – how you can avoid the same things happening again
  • How to clear your head to give yourself space
  • Time management tips and techniques to effectively getting things done
  • What you don’t want and how that informs what you do want
  • What really motivates and drives you – your triggers to success
  • How your values and beliefs affect your life’s situation
  • The universal laws of attraction, manifestation the life you really want
  • Techniques for improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Tips for improving your personal and work relationships
  • How to write a good CV and to get yourself noticed
  • Tips and tools for sorting out your finances
  • A practical handbook for your life
  • Personal online coaching and support

And I will guide you through it from start to finish, gently nudging you along the way to take the steps you’ve been longing to take.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
Walt Disney

How much does it cost?

The full program costs £299 for the 6-month course – which works out at £50 per month.
You can pay upfront and receive a discount of £50 off your total fee, or pay monthly by bank transfer if you would prefer. After all, we are here to help you recreate your life. Payments can be made via PayPal or direct bank transfer.

Who can join?

We do not take everyone on the course! We only take people who are really committed to changing their lives because if you are not committed to making the changes necessary in terms of your thinking and actions, then no amount of online courses will be able to help you. However, if you are really committed to making a lasting change, then you will not be disappointed. And we offer a money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied that we have helped you create the life you want.

How do I join?

In order to join the program, send an email to me at:

This program truly is a personal one. You will not get an auto-responder from me, you will get a personal email in response to your enquiry. All I ask is that you are committed and due to country time differences and personal commitments, I ask you understand that I may take up to 24 hours to respond in the first instance. However, rest assured that this means that you are getting my personal attention, and not a standardised welcome message sent by a computer! After that, we will be emailing at least weekly and getting you on board with your new life.

Send me an email now to sign up.


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