About me

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Hi and welcome to my website which I hope you will find useful and inspiring. I have many roles in life: teacher, mother, sister, daughter and many others to boot and the role I adopt changes as I go through my daily life. Primarily however, I see myself as someone whose purpose is to help others through my words, actions and deeds. I am a writer and work part-time as a teacher of performing arts and film studies and am interested in all things to do with writing, acting, singing, dancing, film, music, theatre and well, to be honest, just enjoying life to the full. I have a great interest also in spirituality and helping other people to be the best they can be and I’m really excited about the website here.


I have been a writer and teacher for over 20 years and I’m passionate about it. I started out working in the corporate video industry and as a drama and dance teacher. After working for a few other people, I set up my own part-time performing arts school in 2000 in the Dorking area of the UK. Soon after I opened a school in Horsham and I still teach in both schools today. I have remained a freelance writer and producer as well ever since.

I write many different things: poems, plays, pantomimes and songs and love all things to do with communication.

In the course of my work I have cajoled, coached and criticised (positively), all in the spirit of bringing out the best in the people I meet, especially in my teaching. And it has paid off. I have seen many students go successfully through my school and some have continued on to careers in the performing arts both on TV and London’s West End, as well as those who have pursued careers in other fields but learned many life skills and had a great time along the way.

I am a qualified teacher in the UK secondary school system teaching drama and film studies in Surrey. I’m excited about the interaction with students and seeing them progress from age 11 well into the 6th form and beyond. This work has given me a great insight into not only what people need to learn to succeed, but also how people learn as well which I believe has helped me become a better teacher over the years. I’m passionate about teaching and I have trained also as a life coach (Certificate and Diploma) and as a Trainer of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), which have both helped my teaching by increasing my understanding of people.


I live in the beautiful Surrey Hills in the UK and have the privilege to be close to some stunning scenery, which inspires me every day. I have two beautiful children whom I fostered for 5 years before becoming their official guardian, so they are officially with me forever now. This area of my life has taught me lots about people too, their hopes and fears and how we can always improve our lives if we choose to. Little steps forward every day has meant that we have built a strong, loving family and overcome many obstacles along the way, with love.


I want this site to become a go-to site for anyone who wants to consciously create their own life – a place for information, tips, advice, motivation and networking. I know this will take time and it will constantly be evolving into something bigger and better but that’s half the fun. I hope you enjoy looking around and find it a useful place to visit. Please come back as often as you like!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,



Posted in General.

Hi. I'm Gail and I'm a teacher, coach, writer and blogger who has been involved with self-development and the performing arts for over 30 years. I'm passionate about helping people to develop their full potential and I've studied education, the law of attraction, personal development and NLP which I write about on this site.

I love working with people of all ages and backgrounds and truly believe that we are all unique, unlimited creative beings who can do wonderful things with a positive attitude and spiritual outlook on life.

Here's to your continued success.



  1. Hi Gail,
    My name is Stephanie. I never dreamed that I would have a similar story from my own childhood to tell.
    My story began when I had started first grade. I had bright red hair; and my father’s exact words were, your never going to color your hair like your Mothers, anyway I’m getting offtrack here. I was the tallest girl in my class, and because of this I hated school. Needless to say, I didn’t learn too much all through school. I was teased, laughed at, and like you said never got to go out with that one true love in high school,.It was my CHOICE not to go to college, I had had enough teasing. But now I’m happy to say that I have learned how. Stephanie

  2. Hi Gail,
    Im somewhat slightly educated (well read), in The Law of Attraction… some knowledge about the other laws of the Universe as well. I remember a teacher who came through The Gallery…long story, shortened. I read and worked Through Julia Camerons The Artists Way! First I learned We create our world with our words. As I progressed, I learned We create our world with our thoughts. Thoughts are obviously roots to words and emotions go into those thoughts as we think them. Therefore vibrations definetly attract like vibrational energy. Though Im not the scholar on this subject, Im glad you are addressing it and have your website in such a beautiful way as to draw the reader into the subject. Deciding to be happy. Great vibration to start each day with. Today, I can attest, I was battled about it, a few refrains and I was back on track as my happy go lucky self! And zi attracted more happy honest caring people as the day progressed.

    As for tapping. If I could just remember to do it! Lol! I would need to write a note as to remind myself until I could think of it like needing a bandaid when I get a scrape/scratch or drink of wster when Im thirsty. I also feel tapping is great!

    I absolutely love that you are The wonderful Guardian now of these blessed children! Blessed to have someone to love them and to love you in return. Much success to your new website and your ongoing career in the education and arts field. I will return to your site!

    • Thank you for your very kind words Victoria. And I’m glad that you found my work accessible and interesting. That’s what I’m aiming for – to help people through this life, helping to make it the way they want it. We are all such amazing beings if only we realised our potential and acted upon that instead of focusing on what others want us to be or do.
      And I highly recommend the tapping – really I do. It’s such a simple and cheap remedy and it works!
      Glad to have you as a visitor and feel free to email or drop by anytime. Love and light to you. Gail

  3. Hi, Gail thank you for sharing your knowledge. I currently work as a drug and alcohol counselor and it’s mostly negativity from the clients I work with (some about 2% have a positive outlook when they first enter treatment. I have tried doing the positivity thing for myself and seems to be working, but I’d like to understand more about it and how I can help others in my line of work. I’ll be reading all your articles and looks like I’ve got some catching up to do, but just wanted to say thank you again for having this site.

    • Hi Jason. Thank you very much for your comment and I’m pleased that you like the article and the site. I’m impressed that you are also devoting time and effort to helping others. It’s not always an easy call to make but everything starts with you. If you can keep your positive attitude regardless of the conditions you find yourself in, you will be able to maintain your vibration and be a good example to others. I look forward to hearing how you get on. Gail

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