Yoga for Beginners Over 50: How to Start Practicing

If you are here, you want to start practicing yoga, but chances are you may still feel hesitant to do it. Completely understandable! Here in the West, we see pictures of yogis who are fit and young all the time. And this makes people believe that that is how you need to look to practice yoga. But if you are looking for beginners over 50, then this article will show you how you can start practicing. If you hear yourself say, “I don’t think I can do that. Maybe yoga isn’t for me”, then throw that belief out the window. […]

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Celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

One month of the year that we all look forward to is June – warm weather, lighter evenings and hopefully, a long-awaited summer holiday if COVID and travel restrictions allow! But we love June in our house because It is also the month of the Summer Solstice – a ‘magical’ day called ‘the longest day of the year’ which officially marks the start of summer. Here’s the astronomy bit Sometimes, we humans can be a little ‘slow to catch on’. It was only in 1543, that the astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, explained his then ‘radical’ theory of the universe in which […]

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30 ways to celebrate International Friendship Day

If there is one thing this pandemic has shown us, it’s that we need our friends – not just the ones we know, but the ones we have yet to meet! As many of us were locked down over the last 18 months, (and some places of the world still are), we began to realise that it really is the little things that mean a lot – a hug, a genuine smile, a friendly pat on the back. These things matter because these are the things that really make us feel good – not our car, our house or our […]

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Simple ways to have fun with food this summer

Simple ways to have fun with food this summer As the famous song says: “Roll out those, lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer Those days of soda and pretzels and beer!” Hooray, summer has finally arrived here in the UK, and thermometer mercury levels are on the up faster than a third wave COVID graph! And somehow, through it all, we are all still looking forward to enjoying a cool beer after work as the nights get warm and balmy. And let’s face it, we could all do with a break, albeit another ‘staycation!’ Looking on the bright side, in […]

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Ten ways to celebrate National Simplicity Day

National Simplicity Day When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Yesterday? Last week? Or so long ago you can’t really remember? Have you EVER stopped to smell the roses? Or is the thought of switching off from daily life, unplugging from the internet and social media, something that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy? Then it’s time you heard about National Simplicity Day! On July 12th, many people will celebrate National Simplicity Day – the birthday of Henry David Thoreau, an American philosopher, naturalist, and ardent advocate for simple living. They will switch off their mobiles […]

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