How to be the change you want to see: 4 steps to success

This article will show you how to be the change you want to see so that it will be easier for you to manifest whatever you desire. There are many things I would like to attract into my life of a daily basis: money, friends, happy relationships, stress-free journeys, parking spaces, a healthy body. Some of these things I have been successful in attracting, and some of them are still eluding me, even as I blog about the law of attraction and how to manifest things. Yes, I’m human I guess, and I don’t get it right all the time. […]

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Think BIG: Imagination and the law of attraction

Today my message is simple: THINK BIG – DREAM BIG! One thing you need to do if you want to be a success in any aspect of your life is to THINK BIG and DREAM BIG. When you think ‘big’, you are actually mobilising your imagination and invoking the law of attraction. There’s a line from the song “Happy Talk” which says: “You got to have a dream, If you don’t have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true?” It might be an old song, but the sentiment is one which transcends time and speaks a universal […]

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