Remembrance day, peace and the law of attraction: How to manifest peace

It will soon be remembrance day across the world and many people’s thoughts turn to remembering honoured loved ones who have sacrificed their lives for the service of others whilst fighting for what they believe to be ‘right’. I myself visited the grave of a great-uncle who was killed in the first world war last year in France as it was the centenary of his death. My whole family went over to pay our respects to Thomas Woollam and we found his grave, said prayers and laid flowers. We were lucky in that Thomas was buried in a marked grave […]

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Global oneness day

Question: What is Global Oneness Day? Answer: The 24th October 2017 is Global Oneness Day. Let’s all celebrate by sharing the fact that “We are all one“.  We are all made of the same stuff; energy!  So let’s put some energy into appreciating ourselves, our environment, each other and the wonderful world that we have created. Look around you today and appreciate your situation (warts and all). Think about the wonderful thing you do have, embrace the oneness of the universe and feel that universal good energy flowing through you. If you want to know more about the project and […]

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How to always look on the bright side of life – 10 ways that work

  How to always look on the bright side of life: 10 steps to finding the positive in any situation “Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse. When you’re chewing on life’s gristle Don’t grumble, give a whistle And this’ll help things turn out for the ……..BEST! And…always look on the bright side of life…(whistle along…) Always look on the light side of life…”    (by Eric Idle) This is one of my favourite songs, EVER. I love the film The Life of Brian by the British […]

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What is the language of the universe?

  What is the language of the universe? In order to make the universal law of attraction work for you, you need to speak the language of the universe, or how else can you transmit the things you want and expect the universal forces to respond?  It’s a bit like have a Christmas list – if you don’t have one at all, then you usually get a lot of random presents, some you might like, some you might not. If you have a Christmas list but don’t send it to Santa (! or his/your friends), then the same thing will […]

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What is tapping about? And what is eft tapping for?

  What is tapping about and what is EFT tapping for? Tapping or emotional freedom technique (EFT) as it is sometimes referred to, is basically an ancient Chinese method similar to acupressure which works by releasing blockages in the body’s energy system, which can lead to emotional discomfort, stress or anxiety. It was introduced to the Western world by in 1995 by Gary Craig, who although not a doctor, was a researcher, practitioner and minister as well as a personal performance coach. A few years ago I had never heard of tapping but since discovering this powerful technique, I find […]

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How can I feel better about myself now? – Something to help

“How can I feel better about myself now?” This is a question I’m often asked. Here are some links that I love – they make me instantly feel better whenever I listen to them. I hope you enjoy them too. Thank you to Esther Hicks and Abraham for bringing these insights to us. For some more tips, look at my post on how to always look on the bright side of life.   

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I believe in you

Want to know how to believe in yourself for creating the life you want? Here’s a poem I wrote to help you have faith in yourself, based on the belief I have of you as an unlimited and amazing spiritual being.  Have faith in yourself And all that you do The world will be well When dreams are held true There’s no greater power In heaven or earth Than one who believes In their dreams and their worth The seeds have been sown There’s nothing to do Except know the faith That I have in you The world is your […]

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What is positive thinking about?

What is positive thinking about? By Gail Lowe On the surface,”what is positive thinking about?” is a really simply question.  Many people may think they know and many may pay lip service to it, saying they practice it daily.  Some people hate the idea of positive thinking and actively avoid anyone they know who they consider looks at the world through ‘rose-tinted spectacles”. But the answer is really quite simple – it is exactly what it ‘says on the tin!’ Positive thinking is about having good thoughts that are amenable, comforting and optimistic in nature. It’s looking at the world […]

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“Gail was a rock to me during a period in my life where I didn’t know which direction to turn in. She helped me to organise my thoughts, ambitions and direction in life so that I felt empowered to carry on myself. I now know where I want my life to go, I’m on the right road to achieving my life aims and I know how to cope with and overcome life’s quirks! But even when I have occasional low times, I know I can turn to Gail and she will be there to help me. She has a wonderful […]

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NLP and the law of attraction

To me, NLP and the law of attraction are happy bedfellows. If you understand how the law of attraction works but realise you have experience-related resistance, then NLP offers a unique and effective way to help get rid of those blocks. Neuro – related to the mind and how we think Linguistic – related to the use of language and how it affects us Programming – related to how we put things together in sequence to achieve a certain outcome NLP or neuro-linguistic programming was formulated in the 1970s by Dr John Grinder (a professor of linguistics) and Richard Bandler (a Masters student […]

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