Famous Inspirational People: Stephen Hawking

In this series, we are looking at the life and works of some of the world’s most famous inspirational people and trying to discover a bit more about what made or makes them tick and the lessons we can take from them to help us live our own lives in a more fulfilling way. STEPHEN HAWKING – A LIFE LIVED TO THE FULL If you ask a school child nowadays to name a well-known scientist, chances are you will be given one of 3 names: Isaac Newton Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking You may get a few other random names coming […]

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Fun Activities for a Rainy Day: Classic Board Games For Kids

What to do with the kids on rainy days: How about playing some good old-fashioned classic board games for kids? OK so it’s raining – and you want to find some fun activiies for a rainy day that will keep the kids happy. It rains a lot here in the UK so we’re used to it and I have a whole gamut of things to fall back on. But what if the latest X-box game has worn everyone’s thumbs out, the only thing on the television is a rerun of El Dorado, and you had to use the batteries from the […]

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Looking back: only do it with love and appreciation

Looking back at life is something many of us do from time to time. But how do you look back at events and people in your life? Do you do it with love and appreciation or with disappointment or regret? The way you look back at your life is important because that will also determine your future. We know that the law of attraction works to bring to us more of what we are a vibrational match to – so if we are feeling joyful and offering that vibration to the universe, then it will respond in kind and send […]

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My law of attraction evidence: a job I didn’t even know existed

My personal evidence of the law of attraction working in my life. On this site, you’ll find a lot of information about the law of attraction, what it is and how it works. The aim of this information is so that you can start understanding and then using the law of attraction to consciously and deliberately attract, or rather let-in, the things that are really important to you. We are all different – born into different circumstances, to different parents and with very different goals, dreams and life ambitions. I believe that a lot of this is determined by our […]

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Hope vs Fear: Tips to help you in difficult times

Hope vs fear – opposite emotions which we all know well. The earth is a wonderful, creative place to be and when your life is going well, it’s easy to stay hopeful, focused, happy and in tune with your higher self. Everything seems to work out; you meet the right people at the right time, things just seem to fall into place and it seems as if the universe knows everything about your dreams and desires and has sent everything around you, to help you achieve them. It’s easy to stay positive in these situations because everything you look at […]

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Attracting money with the law of attraction: Top tips to increase wealth

How to attract money using the law of attraction is one of the most common reasons that people are initially drawn to the concept in the first place. People recognise their desire to increase their wealth and are seeking out ways in which to do this. Attracting money with the law of attraction works in the same way as everything else. The law of attraction states – “that which is like unto itself, is drawn“, which basically means, ‘like attracts like’. So if you want to attract more money into your life, you need to think like someone who already […]

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Good spiritual movies (part 1): 5 mainstream films with a spiritual message

There are many good spiritual movies out there which are overtly spiritual in nature and which you can claim stem from one religion or another. Films based on the life of great spiritual teachers for example, or specially made documentaries that rarely get a theatrical release are all films that people can clearly label as “spiritual” just because of their subject matter. But a close friend of mine once bought me a children’s book and wrote in the front of it “You can find spiritual truth everywhere, if you look for it” and he was so right. There are so […]

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How to not care what people think about you: 5 simple steps

This is one question I often get asked by some of my life coaching clients: “How can I stop caring about what people think about me?” It’s one of the main things that bothers a lot of people and causes them stress. This article is designed to show you how to not care what other people think of you. That doesn’t mean that you completely ignore them or don’t seek advice and collaboration when you need it; it just means that you don’t allow yourself to be ruled by the opinions of others. Why do we care what other people […]

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