What Is An Abundance Mentality?

Do you have an “Abundance Mentality“? What is an abundance mentality anyway and is it important for getting what you want? The answer to the last question is definitely “YES” It’s vital – depending on what you want of course, but I’m guessing that you’re not reading this because you are hoping to manifest more bills, stress or feelings of poverty! Many people say that they want ‘abundance’ in their lives and turn to the law of attraction to get it. They may have read “The Secret” or “Think and Grow Rich” and set out enthusiastically to build vision boards […]

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The Importance and Benefits of Spending Quality Family Time

Let me ask you a question: How much quality family time did you spend yesterday, last week, last month? Can you answer in days, hours or is it just minutes? And here’s a more important question: How does that make you feel? This article discusses the importance and benefits of spending quality time with your family and suggests ways that you could increase this to benefit not only your own life, but those of the people you love and care about most. With many families now having both parents that work, and the increase in single-parent families, it is more […]

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Follow Your Path: How “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” Changed My Life

Do you always follow your path – I mean, really follow your own path? And if not, why not? When I was about 15, my drama teacher introduced me to a book called “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach. Have you read it or even heard of it? My teacher wrote in the front of it “Follow Your Path” and left it at that, but this little book was one of the main catalysts that changed my life. There have been many books that I have read that have had a profound effect on me, but when I look back […]

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Fun Kids Games: Remember these?

I was born in the 1960s and the 70s and 80s are the decades I remember as my childhood. There were no electronic devices, no personal computers until I was in my teens and then it was the ZX80 and the ZX81 which where we waited patiently listening to the ‘noise’ as we loaded our games using magnetic tape cassettes. Boy what a difference a few decades makes. We now have Nintendo, X-boxes, Wii, laptops, desktops, tablets, smart phones, Game Boys: the list is seemingly endless and my children often ask me what I did before these things existed. Now […]

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How to Help Your Team in the Football World Cup: Come On England

OK so England have reached the football world cup semi-final for the first time in 28 years; there’s a hosepipe ban and the UK political situation continues to jump from the frying pan to the fire on a regular basis. But what can we simple English people do to support our national team at this time of great camaraderie? Or what can any of us do to support our teams through, be it The World Cup or any other sporting event that we care to celebrate? I might not be a huge football fan myself, but I know a thing […]

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Gratitude and the Law of Attraction: 3 Ways To Appreciate What You Have

Gratitude or thankfulness is a human quality that is one of our higher emotions and therefore one which has a high vibration and high energy. Yet it is often the ingredient left out of many law of attraction instruction books which focus on visualisations and mantras over and above energy and vibration. But gratitude and the law of attraction go hand in hand and the more gratitude you express for the things you already have, the greater and faster will be your manifesting of other things you desire. The Universal Response to Gratitude The universal response to gratitude is one […]

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This Is Me – How to Stay True To Who You Are

This is Me If you haven’t seen “The Greatest Showman” yet, then you have missed out. I urge you to see it, for many reasons. You might not like musicals but this is a film where the musical and film genre meld perfectly together. The choreography and music is modern and the way that the choreography and filming is done is amazing. But it has a moral that all of us can learn from. It can also show you how to stay true to how you are, and why that is important. One of the best songs from the show […]

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Best West End Shows 2018: Feel-Good Musicals – Les Misérables, Wicked and Chicago

What are the Best West End Shows in 2018? There are so many to choose from. New entries like “Hamilton” have received rave reviews but you can’t get tickets for love nor money at the moment, whilst old favourites such as “Les Misérables” are still packing in the punters. And long may it continue, if you ask me. Anyone who knows me knows that musical theatre is in my blood. I started participating in it when I was 7 and by the time I was 14, I was doing the choreography for my local adult amateur dramatic group. By the […]

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