Ways to raise vibrational frequency – Easy tips for everyday success

Raise your vibrational frequency to align with source energy Getting the law of attraction to work of you so that you can consciously create or manifest the things you want in your life is easy – you simply have to think about the things you want and focus on them in a positive way consistently and for long enough so they will manifest in your life. This is the law of attraction and it does not fail. However whilst this seems like a very easy concept, in reality and practically, many of us have become far too good at getting […]

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Law of attraction and money: abundance in 4 easy steps

The relationship between the law of attraction and money is one of the conundrums we have created in our universe. Most of us would like more money in our lives. In fact, for many of us, the desire for more money is one of the main driving forces we have, either consciously or subconsciously, on a daily basis. We work hard at school because our parents told us that in order to get money, we needed to get a good job and we needed to have good qualifications in order to get a good job. So we strive, get the […]

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What is the secret and the law of attraction?

What is the law of attraction and its ‘secret’ As stated elsewhere on this site, there is no ‘secret’ to the law of attraction. It is a universal law which governs all things and is the basis for creation in the universe. You can use it to your advantage or you can ignore it completely, but it will still work through you, either way. You cannot opt in or opt out, but you can ‘zone out’ and become a default creator, stumbling through your life, reacting to whatever circumstances life seems to throw at you, instead of becoming a conscious […]

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Spread your wings and fly: but leave the junk behind! Let it go!

On this site, we try to explain how to make the law of attraction work for you and to give you simple and effective ways of doing that day by day. One or the most important lessons which I try to teach and to practice in my day-to-day life is learning to focus my energy in a positive way and release negativity. The law of attraction states that similar vibrational energies will be drawn to the energy you put out, so if you constantly talk or focus in a negative way, this will only bring you more of the same […]

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