Fun and practical things to do to help nature in winter

Most of us loved winter as children – think of all those happy times you spent making snowmen, lying in the snow creating snow angels and all those lovely, crisp, winter walks breaking the ice and throwing snowballs. But do you ever think about how you can help nature in winter? Whilst we as humans can return to a cosy, warm house after enjoying the outdoors, our British wildlife is not so fortunate and winter can often mean a life-and-death struggle many; food supplies become scarce and there can often be little respite from the biting-cold weather. However, this can […]

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How to improve your staff wellbeing this year

In January, many of us turn our thoughts away from presents, potential snow and flying reindeer, and start to reexamine where we currently are in our life and the goals we hope to achieve in the coming year. Most of us try to forget the indulgences of the festive season by setting new year’s resolutions, joining a gym, promising to give up alcohol and carbs in the quest for a new, healthier regime in the months ahead. And sadly for most of us, our determination to succeed lasts a couple of weeks! As an employer, how can you help improve […]

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Who am I? The first and most important question of all

Who am I? The question “who am I?” is the first and probably the most important question in the universe. After all, it is the question that started it all – when consciousness became self-aware and pondered on possibilities. It begs an answer starting “I am…”, and then leaves the rest as a blank canvas on which we carve our unique experience in search of the answer. I am … what? In order to answer this question, the consciousness became creator and set about finding out, and we humans, (as projections of source energy and spiritual beings in human form), […]

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Smiley faces

Top 5 tips to creating your own Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We all say it at this time of year, but this blog will not be my usual “Happy New Year one and all” that often gets churned out although I’m positive there will be a lot of those emails to read in the next few hours. No, this is not about wishing you a Happy New Year, but about how YOU can MAKE this your own Happy New Year. Want some tips for creating your own Happy New Year? Read on.  And it does come from my heart, with love to you. What I really want to remind you […]

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The Law of Attraction FAQs – quick answers

The Law of Attraction FAQs Many people have questions about the Law of Attraction, what it is and how it works, and they are looking for simple, short answers, so I have put together a few Law of Attraction FAQs and corresponding answers which I hope will help. You can also find more detailed information in the links to longer posts. If you have something specific you would like to know that I have not covered here, please also feel free ask your question in the comments below. What is the law of attraction? The law of attraction is a […]

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How to be the change you want to see: 4 steps to success

This article will show you how to be the change you want to see so that it will be easier for you to manifest whatever you desire. There are many things I would like to attract into my life of a daily basis: money, friends, happy relationships, stress-free journeys, parking spaces, a healthy body. Some of these things I have been successful in attracting, and some of them are still eluding me, even as I blog about the law of attraction and how to manifest things. Yes, I’m human I guess, and I don’t get it right all the time. […]

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Think BIG: Imagination and the law of attraction

Today my message is simple: THINK BIG – DREAM BIG! One thing you need to do if you want to be a success in any aspect of your life is to THINK BIG and DREAM BIG. When you think ‘big’, you are actually mobilising your imagination and invoking the law of attraction. There’s a line from the song “Happy Talk” which says: “You got to have a dream, If you don’t have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true?” It might be an old song, but the sentiment is one which transcends time and speaks a universal […]

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The problem with the law of attraction and the law of attraction and problems

The problem with the law of attraction and the law of attraction, and problems. Many people have become interested in the law of attraction over the last few years with books such as “Ask and it is Given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks/Abraham, and “The Secret” by Ronda Byrne and it’s spin-offs. Celebrities have adorned chat show sofas expounding the virtues of the law of attraction and giving their examples of how they have seen it work in their own life to bring them more fame, more money or a great relationship. But is there a problem with the Law […]

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Beginner’s Guide To Meditation And Its Benefits

Meditation is something that everyone can do, at most times of the day and it can have a wonderful effect not only on your mental health but also on your physical health as well. There are many benefits to meditation which have been recognised by researchers over the years. When we are stressed for example, our bodies go into the classic ‘fight or flight’ mode and there is an increase in hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline (aka epinephrine) and noradrenaline. These raised hormone levels can affect heart rate and blood pressure putting the body into a state or ‘stress’. This […]

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Consistency is the Key to Success: Top 10 Tips For Being Consistent

Many people want to be successful in different areas of their life. It could be with a career or a relationship, with money or with a hobby such as golf, tennis or dancing. They set out to ‘get all the gear’ they need to help them feel the part, dress smartly for their job or buy the most fashionable gym gear as they set about reaching their goal and want the key to success. But weeks later, when they have neither gained the promotion they sought, or achieved the body of their dreams, they revert back to old habits of […]

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