What is positive thinking about?

What is positive thinking about? By Gail Lowe On the surface,”what is positive thinking about?” is a really simply question.  Many people may think they know and many may pay lip service to it, saying they practice it daily.  Some people hate the idea of positive thinking and actively avoid anyone they know who they consider looks at the world through ‘rose-tinted spectacles”. But the answer is really quite simple – it is exactly what it ‘says on the tin!’ Positive thinking is about having good thoughts that are amenable, comforting and optimistic in nature. It’s looking at the world […]

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Why failure is a good thing – how to overcome the fear of failure in your life

  When I was 11, I was asked to spell the word “beautiful” in a test at school. I got it wrong, missed out that silent ‘a’ and got only 9 out of 10 in the test. I was devastated. I’ve always been a conscientious person so not doing well in any kind of test that I’d studied hard for used to upset me. What would my parents say? Would they be disappointed in me? I was disappointed enough in myself that’s for sure that I have remembered it in detail, this one moment of my life, for nearly 40 […]

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About me

Hi and welcome to my website which I hope you will find useful and inspiring. I have many roles in life: teacher, mother, sister, daughter and many others to boot, and the role I adopt changes as I go through my daily life. Primarily, however, I see myself as someone whose purpose is to help others through my words, actions and deeds. I am a writer and work part-time as a teacher and am interested in all things to do with writing, acting, singing, dancing, film, music, theatre and well, to be honest, just enjoying life to the full. I […]

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