What Is An Abundance Mentality?

Do you have an “Abundance Mentality“? What is an abundance mentality anyway and is it important for getting what you want? The answer to the last question is definitely “YES” It’s vital – depending on what you want of course, but I’m guessing that you’re not reading this because you are hoping to manifest more bills, stress or feelings of poverty! Many people say that they want ‘abundance’ in their lives and turn to the law of attraction to get it. They may have read “The Secret” or “Think and Grow Rich” and set out enthusiastically to build vision boards […]

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Attracting money with the law of attraction: Top tips to increase wealth

How to attract money using the law of attraction is one of the most common reasons that people are initially drawn to the concept in the first place. People recognise their desire to increase their wealth and are seeking out ways in which to do this. Attracting money with the law of attraction works in the same way as everything else. The law of attraction states – “that which is like unto itself, is drawn“, which basically means, ‘like attracts like’. So if you want to attract more money into your life, you need to think like someone who already […]

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