overcome unconscious bias

How To Recognise And Overcome Unconscious Bias

Most of us like to think of ourselves as fair, open-minded people who are not prejudiced or discriminatory in any way. But the truth is, we all carry hidden prejudices – unconscious biases that subtly shape the way we see and interact with the world. These biases are not a reflection of bad intentions but rather a product of our upbringing, experiences, and the cultural norms we have been exposed to over time. However, it may now be time to overcome unconscious bias. If you’re committed to self-improvement and personal growth, recognising and addressing these biases is a powerful way […]

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IWD 2025

How To Celebrate International Women’s Day 2025

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day that everyone in the world can celebrate, whether you are a woman or not. It’s marked on March 8th each year and is the perfect opportunity to celebrate and recognise the many achievements of women across the world. It’s also a call to action in the fight for gender equality. This year’s theme is “Accelerate Action”, emphasising the need for swift and decisive steps to achieve gender parity. But it’s not all about the gender pay gap that we in the West often equate with women’s rights. It’s hard to believe but in […]

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heart with words "I love you"

What Are The Languages Of Love Beyond Chapman’s 5 Love Languages?

Love is one of the most profound forces in our lives and I would say that it is the underlying make-up of the universe itself. Love is transformative, and healing, and can range from being deeply personal to a love that encompasses all things. While we all experience love in some form or another, how we give and receive it can vary greatly between couples, individuals and even parents and children. Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, published in 1992, provided a framework to help people understand how love is expressed. It aimed to […]

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How To Beat The January Blues

Beating the January Blues: A Comprehensive Guide As the festive decorations come down and the excitement of the holiday period fades, many people find themselves facing the “January blues.” This phenomenon, characterised by feelings of melancholy and low energy, is common during the first month of the year. The combination of colder weather, shorter days, and the return to routine after a period of celebration can contribute to a sense of gloom. However, there are several effective strategies to help beat the January blues and start the year on a positive note. Below are a few simple but effective ways […]

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vertical garden

How to Start a Vertical Garden

Wall PlantersHave you ever wondered about how to start a vertical garden? Growing your own plants is one of the best mindful practices to connect yourself with nature. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to achieve when we feel like we do not have the time, money or the means to do so. And yet, with everything in life, if you have the desire and the will to succeed, you will find a way to achieve it no matter what your available space or your budget.  This article contains affiliate links. So how do you grow as many plants as you […]

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sunrise at Stonehenge

Celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

One month of the year that we all look forward to is June – warm weather, lighter evenings and hopefully, a long-awaited summer holiday! But we love June in our house because It is also the month of the Summer Solstice – a ‘magical’ day called ‘the longest day of the year’ which officially marks the start of summer. Read on to find out about celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Here’s the astronomy bit Sometimes, we humans can be a little ‘slow to catch on’. It was only in 1543, that the astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, explained his […]

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hands and world graphic

30 ways to celebrate International Friendship Day

Celebrate International Friendship Day this year! If there is one thing the pandemic showed, it was that we need our friends – not just the ones we know, but the ones we have yet to meet! As many of us were locked down during the pandemic, we began to realise that it really is the little things that mean a lot – a hug, a genuine smile, a friendly pat on the back. These things matter because these are the things that really make us feel good – not our car, our house or our status; but our friends, loved […]

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Ten ways to celebrate National Simplicity Day

National Simplicity Day When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Yesterday? Last week? Or so long ago you can’t really remember? Have you EVER stopped to smell the roses? Or is the thought of switching off from daily life, unplugging from the internet and social media, something that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy? Then it’s time you knew how to celebrate National Simplicity Day! On July 12th, many people will celebrate National Simplicity Day – the birthday of Henry David Thoreau, an American philosopher, naturalist, and ardent advocate for simple living. They will switch off their […]

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Healthy options for Pancake Day

Every Pancake Day, most of the UK will be reaching for their frying pans to celebrate Shrove Tuesday – the traditional day for cooking and eating pancakes! How about looking at some healthy options for Pancake Day this year which will keep everyone coming back for more? The 40 days immediately before Easter (known as Lent), are observed by Christians to remind them of the time that Jesus travelled into the desert to fast fasting in the desert before starting his ministry. To mark this, in days gone by, many Christians would give up certain foods for this time including […]

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Fun Kids Games: Remember these?

I was born in the 1960s and the 70s and 80s are the decades I remember as my childhood. There were no electronic devices, no personal computers until I was in my teens and then it was the ZX80 and the ZX81 which where we waited patiently listening to the ‘noise’ as we loaded our games using magnetic tape cassettes. Boy what a difference a few decades makes. We now have Nintendo, X-boxes, Wii, laptops, desktops, tablets, smart phones, Game Boys: the list is seemingly endless and my children often ask me what I did before these things existed. Now […]

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