Benefits of reducing stress

Benefits Of Reducing Stress: Healing Body, Mind, And Soul

Stress is a natural response to challenging situations and we have been living with stress since we first learned to walk! Our bodies need a certain level of stress to protect us in challenging situations. They react to stress by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which prepare us to face a threat. This is often termed the “fight, flight or freeze” response and is crucial for survival to get us out of those sticky situations. However, if our stress levels are too high for too long, then this response can have a detrimental effect and can become harmful […]

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Manifestation Techniques: Unlocking Your Power To Create Your Reality

Manifestation is the idea that we can all bring our desires into reality through focused intention, belief, and action and helping you to manifest the life you really want is the purpose of this entire website. From ancient spiritual traditions to modern personal development methodologies, manifestation techniques have evolved. There are now several manifestation techniques that offer practical tools for anyone seeking to harness the power of their thoughts and energy. Below, we explore some of the most effective manifestation techniques, the pioneers who developed or popularised them, and how you can use them in your own daily life. The […]

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Yoga Nidra for Beginners

Yoga Nidra For Beginners

Yoga Nidra for Beginners Yoga Nidra, also known as “yogic sleep,” is a powerful meditation and relaxation technique that has been practised for thousands of years. It involves entering a state of conscious relaxation that lies between wakefulness and sleep, allowing you to access deeper states of awareness and healing. In this article on Yoga Nidra for beginners, we will explore its origins, benefits, and a step by step method for you to practice. Enjoy the experience. Origins of Yoga Nidra Yoga Nidra has its roots in ancient Indian traditions and scriptures, including the Upanishads and Tantras. Swami Satyananda Saraswati, […]

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girl doing yoga

Yoga for Beginners Over 50: How to Start Practising

If you are here, you want to start practising yoga, but chances are you may still feel hesitant to do it. Completely understandable! Here in the West, we see pictures of yogis who are fit and young all the time. And this makes people believe that that is how you need to look to practice yoga. But if you are looking for yoga for beginners over 50, then this article will show you how you can start practising. If you hear yourself say, “I don’t think I can do that. Maybe yoga isn’t for me”, then throw that belief out […]

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Beginner’s Guide To Meditation And Its Benefits

Meditation is something that everyone can do, at most times of the day and it can have a wonderful effect not only on your mental health but also on your physical health as well. There are many benefits to meditation which have been recognised by researchers over the years. When we are stressed for example, our bodies go into the classic ‘fight or flight’ mode and there is an increase in hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline (aka epinephrine) and noradrenaline. These raised hormone levels can affect heart rate and blood pressure putting the body into a state or ‘stress’. This […]

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How To Do Affirmations That Work: Top 10 Tips for Achieving Success

How To Do Affirmations That Work Many people like the idea of doing affirmations in order to get what they want out of their life. In fact, a few years ago it was all the rage to do what came to be known as ‘cosmic ordering’ in which people thought they should write a list of the things they wanted in life and then affirm that they had them by being positive and saying things like “I am in a relationship with a man with blonde hair” or “I have a million dollars” or “I am driving a new red […]

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How to have a positive thoughts day: starting your day the right way

The way you start your day is important – everyone knows that. Starting off in a good mood helps you get through the day with a smile. There are sayings that talk about it – we say someone is ‘on top of the morning” meaning someone is happy; or conversely “they got out of the wrong side of the bed” when referring to someone who appears to be in a bad mood. But how many of us truly pay attention to how we start the day and what it means for the rest of our day? How many of us […]

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Ready, Steady, Go..SLOW – The law of attraction and meditation

The law of attraction and meditation? What’s it all about? The law of attraction and meditation, for anyone who studies these things, go hand in hand. One informs the other and vice versa. Although the law of attraction is a universal law that pervades all things and everything and everyone is subject to it, the act of meditation allows individuals to consciously interact with it, to hear its call, allowing the law of attraction to work in its most sublime and satisfying way possible, to bring about the changes they want in their life. Which means that if YOU practice […]

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Affirmations for success and happiness – some examples

Here are some affirmations to help you create a successful life Many people dream of a successful life, be that wealth, health or happiness. Affirmations and meditations can really help to focus your thoughts and adjust your feelings to help attract what you desire. I suggest you sit down in a quiet place, put on some calming music, close your eyes and think about how wonderful you will feel when you have achieved the success you are looking for. Then go over the affirmations in you mind or say them out loud. You could even make a recording of them […]

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