Manifestation is the idea that we can all bring our desires into reality through focused intention, belief, and action and helping you to manifest the life you really want is the purpose of this entire website. From ancient spiritual traditions to modern personal development methodologies, manifestation techniques have evolved. There are now several manifestation techniques that offer practical tools for anyone seeking to harness the power of their thoughts and energy. Below, we explore some of the most effective manifestation techniques, the pioneers who developed or popularised them, and how you can use them in your own daily life. The […]
Continue readingCategory Archives: Law of attraction basics
The Law of Attraction FAQs – quick answers
Many people have questions about the Law of Attraction, what it is and how it works, and they are looking for simple, short answers, so I have put together a few Law of Attraction FAQs and corresponding answers which I hope will help. You can also find more detailed information in the links to longer posts. If you have something specific you would like to know that I have not covered here, please also feel free to ask your question in the comments below. What is the law of attraction? The law of attraction is a universal law of the […]
Continue readingHow to be the change you want to see: 4 steps to success
This article will show you how to be the change you want to see so that it will be easier for you to manifest whatever you desire. There are many things I would like to attract into my life of a daily basis: money, friends, happy relationships, stress-free journeys, parking spaces, a healthy body. Some of these things I have been successful in attracting, and some of them are still eluding me, even as I blog about the law of attraction and how to manifest things. Yes, I’m human I guess, and I don’t get it right all the time. […]
Continue readingThink BIG: Imagination and the law of attraction
In using your imagination and the Law of Attraction, I urge you to: THINK BIG – DREAM BIG! Today my message is simple! One thing you need to do if you want to be a success in any aspect of your life is to THINK BIG and DREAM BIG. When you think ‘big’, you are actually mobilising your imagination and invoking the law of attraction. There’s a line from the song “Happy Talk” which says: “You got to have a dream, If you don’t have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true?” It might be an old […]
Continue readingThe problem with the law of attraction and the law of attraction and problems
The problem with the law of attraction and the law of attraction, and problems. Many people have become interested in the law of attraction over the last few years with books such as “Ask and it is Given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks/Abraham, and “The Secret” by Ronda Byrne and it’s spin-offs. Celebrities have adorned chat show sofas expounding the virtues of the law of attraction and giving their examples of how they have seen it work in their own life to bring them more fame, more money or a great relationship. But is there a problem with the Law […]
Continue readingWhat Is An Abundance Mentality?
Do you have an “Abundance Mentality“? What is an abundance mentality anyway and is it important for getting what you want? The answer to the last question is definitely “YES” It’s vital – depending on what you want of course, but I’m guessing that you’re not reading this because you are hoping to manifest more bills, stress or feelings of poverty! Many people say that they want ‘abundance’ in their lives and turn to the law of attraction to get it. They may have read “The Secret” or “Think and Grow Rich” and set out enthusiastically to build vision boards […]
Continue readingGratitude and the Law of Attraction: 3 Ways To Appreciate What You Have
Gratitude or thankfulness is a human quality that is one of our higher emotions and therefore one which has a high vibration and high energy. Yet it is often the ingredient left out of many law of attraction instruction books which focus on visualisations and mantras over and above energy and vibration. But gratitude and the law of attraction go hand in hand and the more gratitude you express for the things you already have, the greater and faster will be your manifesting of other things you desire. The Universal Response to Gratitude The universal response to gratitude is one […]
Continue readingAttracting money with the law of attraction: Top tips to increase wealth
How to attract money using the law of attraction is one of the most common reasons that people are initially drawn to the concept in the first place. People recognise their desire to increase their wealth and are seeking out ways in which to do this. Attracting money with the law of attraction works in the same way as everything else. The law of attraction states – “that which is like unto itself, is drawn“, which basically means, ‘like attracts like’. So if you want to attract more money into your life, you need to think like someone who already […]
Continue readingThe law of attraction, happiness and emotions. How does it work?
The law of attraction, happiness and emotions. How does it work? This article contains affiliate links. The law of attraction states “that which is like unto itself, is drawn” which basically means that things that are the same, are attracted to each other. It is really talking about energy so positive energy attracts more positive energy and negative energy attracts more negative energy. It’s also important to note that the universe or source energy does not place a judgment on energy as we humans might – to source, it is just different frequencies of energy – all of which are […]
Continue readingHow to find happiness in life through unconditional living
Everybody wants to be happy….don’t they? Most people, if you ask them, will tell you that they want to be happy, so an article on ‘how to find happiness in life’ should be of interest to many people. But where does unconditional living fit into this desire? And can unconditional living bring happiness? Let’s look at what most people say they want in their lives. They may tell you on the surface, straight up that they want to be” happy” but then when quizzed, they can’t define what that actually means. They may give you lots of other things they […]
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