Jonathan Livingson Seagull book cover

Book Review Of Jonathan Livingston Seagull

If there was one book that inspired my search for spiritual truth as a teenager, it was this book. I wasn’t alone as it topped the New York Times bestseller list for the best part of two years. It also inspired a generation to seek answers beyond those that we had been fed by the institutions and society for years. You can read the book in a couple of hours and you will never view seagulls at the seaside in the same way; if you’re like me, you can sit there for hours, watching for the one enlightened bird that […]

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Book Review Of “Proof Of Life After Life: 7 Reasons To Believe There Is An Afterlife”

Have you ever wondered what happens when we die? If you haven’t, then you would be in a very small minority of people on the planet who have not pondered this most profound question. Maybe you are the only one! I know that from an early age, I have certainly wondered what happens when the physical body dies. And in my search for spiritual truth, I believe that I have an answer that resonates with me, and everything I am. Dr Raymond Moody and Paul Perry have recently published a book entitled “Proof of Life After Life”, which I was […]

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Follow Your Path: How “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” Changed My Life

Do you always follow your path – I mean, really follow your own path? And if not, why not? When I was about 15, my drama teacher introduced me to a book called “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach. Have you read it or even heard of it? My teacher wrote in the front of it “Follow Your Path” and left it at that, but this little book was one of the main catalysts that changed my life. There have been many books that I have read that have had a profound effect on me, but when I look back […]

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Good spiritual movies (part 1): 5 mainstream films with a spiritual message

There are many good spiritual movies out there which are overtly spiritual in nature and which you can claim stem from one religion or another. Films based on the life of great spiritual teachers for example, or specially made documentaries that rarely get a theatrical release are all films that people can clearly label as “spiritual” just because of their subject matter. But a close friend of mine once bought me a children’s book and wrote in the front of it “You can find spiritual truth everywhere, if you look for it” and he was so right. There are so […]

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