Write a letter to Queen Elizabeth II for her Platinum Jubilee

Have you ever thought about writing a letter to The Queen? Do you know how to address it? What would you like to say? And if you don’t already know, The Queen has multiple residences, so where would you send it? Every year, Queen Elizabeth II receives hundreds of thousands of letters, not only from her British and Commonwealth subjects but from many different people across the world. A lot of the letters that The Queen receives come from children, and every letter gets a personal response. So in this platinum jubilee year, is it time you wrote to Her […]

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How to deal with rude people

Rude people! Don’t you just love them? You know the ones I mean – the ones who always push in front of you in the checkout queue or the ones who just can’t resist talking over you, AND they never listen to anyone but themselves. And boy, they don’t half think they’re right all the time. Moaning on about just how terrible you are and how they know best and would do things so much better than you. It’s enough to curdle the milk! But they’re the ignorant ones, right? They’re the ones who need to grow up. Let’s face […]

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Four Indoor Plants for Healthy Living

Four Indoor Plants for Healthy Living So many people are unaware of the benefits a house full of plants brings when it comes to mindful living. Besides the decorative and aesthetic appeal, there are dozens of hidden health benefits behind growing indoor plants. Here are some of my favorite physical and health benefits of indoor plants, with the research studies linked if you would like to read more. Reducing Stress (Source) Cleaner Air (NASA Clean Air Study) Higher productivity and focus in plant-filled work spaces (Source) Improves recovery for post-operative hospital patients (Source) Longer and healthier lives for women (Harvard […]

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How to Start a Vertical Garden

Growing your own plants is one of the best mindful practices to connect yourself with nature. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to achieve when we feel like we do not have the time, money or the means to do so. And yet, with everything in life, if you have the desire and the will to succeed, you will find a way to achieve it no matter what your available space or your budget.  So how do you grow as many plants as you want while making the most of space? The answer: Vertical Wall Gardens. Hop onto the trend of […]

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Celebrating the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

One month of the year that we all look forward to is June – warm weather, lighter evenings and hopefully, a long-awaited summer holiday if COVID and travel restrictions allow! But we love June in our house because It is also the month of the Summer Solstice – a ‘magical’ day called ‘the longest day of the year’ which officially marks the start of summer. Here’s the astronomy bit Sometimes, we humans can be a little ‘slow to catch on’. It was only in 1543, that the astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, explained his then ‘radical’ theory of the universe in which […]

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30 ways to celebrate International Friendship Day

If there is one thing this pandemic has shown us, it’s that we need our friends – not just the ones we know, but the ones we have yet to meet! As many of us were locked down over the last 18 months, (and some places of the world still are), we began to realise that it really is the little things that mean a lot – a hug, a genuine smile, a friendly pat on the back. These things matter because these are the things that really make us feel good – not our car, our house or our […]

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Simple ways to have fun with food this summer

Simple ways to have fun with food this summer As the famous song says: “Roll out those, lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer Those days of soda and pretzels and beer!” Hooray, summer has finally arrived here in the UK, and thermometer mercury levels are on the up faster than a third wave COVID graph! And somehow, through it all, we are all still looking forward to enjoying a cool beer after work as the nights get warm and balmy. And let’s face it, we could all do with a break, albeit another ‘staycation!’ Looking on the bright side, in […]

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The problem with the law of attraction and the law of attraction and problems

The problem with the law of attraction and the law of attraction, and problems. Many people have become interested in the law of attraction over the last few years with books such as “Ask and it is Given” by Jerry and Esther Hicks/Abraham, and “The Secret” by Ronda Byrne and it’s spin-offs. Celebrities have adorned chat show sofas expounding the virtues of the law of attraction and giving their examples of how they have seen it work in their own life to bring them more fame, more money or a great relationship. On the one hand, this is wonderful news […]

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Consistency is the Key to Success: Top 10 Tips For Being Consistent

Many people want to be successful in different areas of their life. It could be with a career or a relationship, with money or with a hobby such as golf, tennis or dancing. They set out to ‘get all the gear’ they need to help them feel the part, dress smartly for their job or buy the most fashionable gym gear as they set about reaching their goal. But weeks later, when they have neither gained the promotion they sought, or achieved the body of their dreams, they revert back to old habits of thinking and action, either blaming other […]

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The Importance and Benefits of Spending Quality Family Time

Let me ask you a question: How much quality family time did you spend yesterday, last week, last month? Can you answer in days, hours or is it just minutes? And here’s a more important question: How does that make you feel? This article discusses the importance and benefits of spending quality time with your family and suggests ways that you could increase this to benefit not only your own life, but those of the people you love and care about most. With many families now having both parents that work, and the increase in single-parent families, it is more […]

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