Manifestation Techniques: Unlocking Your Power To Create Your Reality

Manifestation is the idea that we can all bring our desires into reality through focused intention, belief, and action and helping you to manifest the life you really want is the purpose of this entire website. From ancient spiritual traditions to modern personal development methodologies, manifestation techniques have evolved. There are now several manifestation techniques that offer practical tools for anyone seeking to harness the power of their thoughts and energy. Below, we explore some of the most effective manifestation techniques, the pioneers who developed or popularised them, and how you can use them in your own daily life. The […]

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let go of stress

How to let go of stress and go with the flow: 10 top tips

Are you always trying to swim upstream? Does everything you look at feel like a struggle to you? Are you working too hard for too little reward? Read on to find out how to let go of stress and go with the flow. Tired of the daily grind? If you answered ‘yes’ to most of these questions, then you have probably fallen into the trap of most people, which is thinking they can FORCE things to happen instead of letting the stress go, letting the inspiration flow and letting your universal energy lead you in the right direction. But don’t worry […]

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Hope vs Fear: Tips to help you in difficult times

Hope vs fear – opposite emotions which we all know well. The earth is a wonderful, creative place to be and when your life is going well, it’s easy to stay hopeful, focused, happy and in tune with your higher self. Everything seems to work out; you meet the right people at the right time, things just seem to fall into place and it seems as if the universe knows everything about your dreams and desires and has sent everything around you, to help you achieve them. It’s easy to stay positive in these situations because everything you look at […]

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How to not care what people think about you: 5 simple steps

This is one question I often get asked by some of my life coaching clients: “How can I stop caring about what people think about me?” It’s one of the main things that bothers a lot of people and causes them stress. This article is designed to show you how to not care what other people think of you. That doesn’t mean that you completely ignore them or don’t seek advice and collaboration when you need it; it just means that you don’t allow yourself to be ruled by the opinions of others. Why do we care what other people […]

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The wheel of life exercise

  Having balance in life is important and a good work/life balance allows us to be more content, more alive and enjoy what we are doing. The wheel of life exercise allows you to determine whether you are focusing too much on one part of your life and neglecting others. The wheel is divided into sections which allow you to rate your level of satisfaction with each area of your life and then decide what to change. Directions: The eight sections in the Wheel of Life represent balance. The centre of the wheel represents 0 and the outer edge is 10. […]

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