This Is Me – How to Stay True To Who You Are

This is Me If you haven’t seen “The Greatest Showman” yet, then you have missed out. I urge you to see it, for many reasons. You might not like musicals but this is a film where the musical and film genre meld perfectly together. The choreography and music is modern and the way that the choreography and filming is done is amazing. But it has a moral that all of us can learn from. It can also show you how to stay true to how you are, and why that is important. One of the best songs from the show […]

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Looking back: only do it with love and appreciation

Looking back at life is something many of us do from time to time. But how do you look back at events and people in your life? Do you do it with love and appreciation or with disappointment or regret? The way you look back at your life is important because that will also determine your future. We know that the law of attraction works to bring to us more of what we are a vibrational match to – so if we are feeling joyful and offering that vibration to the universe, then it will respond in kind and send […]

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Spread your wings and fly: but leave the junk behind! Let it go!

On this site, we try to explain how to make the law of attraction work for you and to give you simple and effective ways of doing that day by day. One or the most important lessons which I try to teach and to practice in my day-to-day life is learning to focus my energy in a positive way and release negativity. The law of attraction states that similar vibrational energies will be drawn to the energy you put out, so if you constantly talk or focus in a negative way, this will only bring you more of the same […]

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Dance as though no one is watching – follow your own path!

So it’s Saturday night and I’m sitting in my sister’s house, babysitting my nephew, while she helps doing front-of-house for a local amateur dramatics show (yes it runs in the family!) My two children and my nephew are quietly driving my nephew’s Amazon “Alexa” crazy as no sooner has one of them said “Alexa, play this track” when one of the others cuts in with “No, Alexa, play another track”. To her credit though, she dutifully obeys, without question, and is infinitely more patient than I am listening to between 3 and 5 seconds of each song! When they do […]

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What is an opportunity?

What is an opportunity? Would you recognise it if you saw one? One of the things I honestly believe about living on earth is that we are all free to make our own success. It’s what we are here for and is one of the great things about the law of attraction. The world is literally your ‘oyster’ to coin and old phrase and you can become or create whatever you want. Obviously with that amazing power, comes the ability to make our own failures as well. And in many people’s eyes, we are doing that in abundance. We complain […]

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How to always look on the bright side of life – 10 ways that work

  How to always look on the bright side of life: 10 steps to finding the positive in any situation “Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse. When you’re chewing on life’s gristle Don’t grumble, give a whistle And this’ll help things turn out for the ……..BEST! And…always look on the bright side of life…(whistle along…) Always look on the light side of life…”    (by Eric Idle) This is one of my favourite songs, EVER. I love the film The Life of Brian by the British […]

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What is tapping about? And what is eft tapping for?

  What is tapping about and what is EFT tapping for? Tapping or emotional freedom technique (EFT) as it is sometimes referred to, is basically an ancient Chinese method similar to acupressure which works by releasing blockages in the body’s energy system, which can lead to emotional discomfort, stress or anxiety. It was introduced to the Western world by in 1995 by Gary Craig, who although not a doctor, was a researcher, practitioner and minister as well as a personal performance coach. A few years ago I had never heard of tapping but since discovering this powerful technique, I find […]

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What is positive thinking about?

What is positive thinking about? By Gail Lowe On the surface,”what is positive thinking about?” is a really simply question.  Many people may think they know and many may pay lip service to it, saying they practice it daily.  Some people hate the idea of positive thinking and actively avoid anyone they know who they consider looks at the world through ‘rose-tinted spectacles”. But the answer is really quite simple – it is exactly what it ‘says on the tin!’ Positive thinking is about having good thoughts that are amenable, comforting and optimistic in nature. It’s looking at the world […]

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Why failure is a good thing – how to overcome the fear of failure in your life

  When I was 11, I was asked to spell the word “beautiful” in a test at school. I got it wrong, missed out that silent ‘a’ and got only 9 out of 10 in the test. I was devastated. I’ve always been a conscientious person so not doing well in any kind of test that I’d studied hard for used to upset me. What would my parents say? Would they be disappointed in me? I was disappointed enough in myself that’s for sure that I have remembered it in detail, this one moment of my life, for nearly 40 […]

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About me

Hi and welcome to my website which I hope you will find useful and inspiring. I have many roles in life: teacher, mother, sister, daughter and many others to boot and the role I adopt changes as I go through my daily life. Primarily however, I see myself as someone whose purpose is to help others through my words, actions and deeds. I am a writer and work part-time as a teacher of performing arts and film studies and am interested in all things to do with writing, acting, singing, dancing, film, music, theatre and well, to be honest, just […]

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