How to be the change you want to see: 4 steps to success

This article will show you how to be the change you want to see so that it will be easier for you to manifest whatever you desire. There are many things I would like to attract into my life of a daily basis: money, friends, happy relationships, stress-free journeys, parking spaces, a healthy body. Some of these things I have been successful in attracting, and some of them are still eluding me, even as I blog about the law of attraction and how to manifest things. Yes, I’m human I guess, and I don’t get it right all the time. […]

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Beginner’s Guide To Meditation And Its Benefits

Meditation is something that everyone can do, at most times of the day and it can have a wonderful effect not only on your mental health but also on your physical health as well. There are many benefits to meditation which have been recognised by researchers over the years. When we are stressed for example, our bodies go into the classic ‘fight or flight’ mode and there is an increase in hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline (aka epinephrine) and noradrenaline. These raised hormone levels can affect heart rate and blood pressure putting the body into a state or ‘stress’. This […]

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Consistency is the Key to Success: Top 10 Tips For Being Consistent

Many people want to be successful in different areas of their life. It could be with a career or a relationship, with money or with a hobby such as golf, tennis or dancing. They set out to ‘get all the gear’ they need to help them feel the part, dress smartly for their job or buy the most fashionable gym gear as they set about reaching their goal and want the key to success. But weeks later, when they have neither gained the promotion they sought, or achieved the body of their dreams, they revert back to old habits of […]

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