A leap of faith is defined as being: “an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved or known.” It can be applied to many situations: leaping out of an aeroplane with (or without!) a parachute; hurling yourself down white water rapids on a raft, or in my case, quitting my day job to focus on the things that make me truly happy, and that I feel I have been led to by my higher self. That, for me, was to stop teaching in a secondary school and to focus on teaching a wider […]
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How to live in the now: make every moment count
Each day the sun rises Each day the sun sets How will YOU make this Your greatest day yet? I like this little ditty because if reminds me that every day of our lives is a special day and we should treat them as such – today is no different. Sure, there are birthdays and weddings and anniversaries, weekends and holidays but each day has 24 hours, varying amounts of daylight and darkness according to the time of the year and the hemisphere in which we reside, and for each of us, today could be our best day yet. It […]
Continue readingFailed? Don’t Beat Yourself Up: Be Kind To Yourself
There are many occasions in life when we set our heart on something, aim for something or try to achieve something and miss. It might be an exam, a job interview or just a goal of completing our “To Do” list for that day. I know I very often have more on my own “To Do” list than there are hours in the week, let alone the hours in the day that I set aside for working on them. To many, I could be seen as having failed. But if this is you, don’t beat yourself up; be kind to […]
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How To Do Affirmations That Work Many people like the idea of doing affirmations in order to get what they want out of their life. In fact, a few years ago it was all the rage to do what came to be known as ‘cosmic ordering’ in which people thought they should write a list of the things they wanted in life and then affirm that they had them by being positive and saying things like “I am in a relationship with a man with blonde hair” or “I have a million dollars” or “I am driving a new red […]
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