Create your own website

I have written this site using software and advice from Wealthy Affiliate which I believe it to be one of the best affiliate marketing training courses around. It includes affiliate marketing training videos, is a hosting site and supports a community of like-minded, online entrepreneurs. If you would like to know more about how they can help you start your own online business then click here or the banner below for more details. And if you are serious about online marketing, check out my other website on the subject here. And if you want or need something to cheer you up, […]

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About me

Hi and welcome to my website which I hope you will find useful and inspiring. I have many roles in life: teacher, mother, sister, daughter and many others to boot, and the role I adopt changes as I go through my daily life. Primarily, however, I see myself as someone whose purpose is to help others through my words, actions and deeds. I am a writer and work part-time as a teacher and am interested in all things to do with writing, acting, singing, dancing, film, music, theatre and well, to be honest, just enjoying life to the full. I […]

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